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ClinicalKey for Nursing

ClinicalKey for Nursing

A powerful database of peer-reviewed and evidence-based resources from Elsevier. Activate your personal account to tag, share and download content, create presentations, receive content updates, and access ClinicalKey outside work (from home).

Access ClinicalKey for Nursing

  • Enter into your browser (use Firefox or Chrome).
    You will also find ClinicalKey for Nursing on the ADHB Library Links website on Hippo, under Databases.
  • Sign in if you have already created a ClinicalKey Nursing account, or create one using the instructions below - you'll need this for offsite (home) access.

Create your personal account and activate remote access

  1. Visit (use Firefox or Chrome).
    For the initial registration, use a computer or device on the ADHB hospital network.
    After that, you may log in on any computer or device.
  2. Click Register (top right) and enter your ADHB email address. This is your username each time you log in.
  3. Fill in your details and click Register (bottom right), then click Continue. You will now be logged in.
  4. Click on your name (top right), and select Remote Access from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter your ADHB email address.
  6. Click the link in the confirmation email sent to your ADHB email to activate your Remote Access.

From your mobile or device

  1. Search for ClinicalKey in your app store (android or apple) and click on install.
  2. When prompted, choose the Australia edition, then choose ClinicalKey for Nursing.
  3. Under username, enter your ADHB email and the password you created.

Content in ClinicalKey for Nursing

  • 350+ clinical overviews – easy-to-scan, clinically focused medical topic summaries designed to match the clinician workflow.
  • 200+ (75+ ANZ) books
  • 50+ journals
  • 1,600+ videos
  • 90,000+ images
  • Also includes drug monographs, practice guidelines, patient education, Medline abstracts, and more.


  • Log time spent reading peer-reviewed content (e.g., books, journals).
  • This time may be exchanged for a certificate to use for claiming CME credits from your institution or award body.
  • Once signed in to your personal account, you will see a CME icon under your name.
